Did y'all know that today the California Supreme Court is hearing arguments for why the discriminatory proposition 8 should be invalidated?! Yah me neither (lies). It's kind of a big deal. Equality California (EQCA) is streaming a live feed of the arguments being made while National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) is liveblogging it! I'm not sure but the hearing might already be over. I know, major fail that I didn't get on top of this before, but I had two midterms today! So cut me some slack. Either way check out NCLR's & EQCA's blogs to get all educated about what's going down. For instance y'all could read about Let California Ring's "I Do" campaign which encourages people to share with friends and community members their reasons for why they DO support the Freedom to Marry. Below is a video of Wanda Sykes, comedian & out lesbian, giving her reasons.
Take a look at all the links I posted above and inform y'allself on what's happening and how y'all can help.
Oh and did y'all see that awesome Oscar speech? Or hear that Sean Penn is pushing to instate a Harvey Milk Day in California? Man, if it weren't for midterms I would totally be out there too fighting the good fight. I'm totally oppressed by school! Thank god for grassroots sticking it to the man.
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