Xmas may be over, but giving music doesn't require a holiday. Enjoy the free song, it's one of my current faves.
Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars (instrumental)
Xmas may be over, but giving music doesn't require a holiday. Enjoy the free song, it's one of my current faves.
Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars (instrumental)
In Japan this is considered primetime entertainment. No wonder they're all so happy all the time.
[[I saw it first on gizmodo]]
(click to make +)
"They wanted to attract more students. So it installed WiFi in some of its stores near universities. The problem is, lots of students just come into the store for the WiFi but hardly look at the menu. So They and CoffeeCompany decided to move the store’s menu into the WiFi menu of customers’ laptops."
By the way that "kid" is actually 45. He's got the same problem that fat kid on MTV has...
...ok I just made all that up.
[[thanks to my Chilean counterpart]]
Below is an e-mail I received from EQCA:
Dear Jordan, Today Attorney General Jerry Brown filed his brief with the California Supreme Court arguing that Proposition 8 should be invalidated. We are very pleased that upon review of the law, he has moved from his previous statements that he would defend Prop 8. As the state's highest attorney, Jerry Brown has done his job today to defend the Constitution and protect the rights of minority groups, including the more than 18,000 same-sex couples who married in California. In solidarity,
"There’s one indulgence every man should try in his lifetime: If you’re straight, sleep with a man at least once, and if you’re gay, don’t go through life without sleeping with a woman. Either way, you might be surprised at how natural it will feel if you can get past the mind-fuck of stereotypes. In the end, it’s just another person that you are relating to in a physical way." – Tom Ford
It's been awhile since I've written about prop 8 or gayness or lgbt or anything else remotely related, but now I've finally found something worth posting and sharing! It's called Prop 8: The Musical! Featuring a laundry list of hollywood and broadway stars, including but not limited too: Allison Janney, John C. O'reilly, Jack Black, Megan Cho, Andy Richter, Neil Patrick Harris (yum), and many more. This officially goes under the makes me smile category :)
[[thanks to tsanderson]]
UPDATE: Just came upon this vid in my fbook newsfeed. Princeton students using the precedent set by prop 8 to enforce the will of the majority (upperclassmen) upon a minority (freshmen). great stuff p-ston students, I applaud y'all.
[[thanks to bcloyd]]
This would be perfect for my Dad! or any tea drinker everrrrr. I don't drink tea all that much, I'm more of an espresso man, but when I do I never know where to put the bag. Good tea etiquette states that the bag should be taken out after 3 minutes, but it's generally considered bad tea etiquette to let it leak all over the table. Problem solved! Thanks to designer Jonas Trampedach.
[[ via yankodesign]]
this video has been making the rounds on the internet recently going viral and all. For good reason, it's really good, and yet oh sooooo bad.
[[ via stackthememory.com]]
Ouch – I was bleeding and in pain, but I had to laugh when the ER nurse asked the guy in the next room, "You swallowed HOW MANY toothbrushes?"
ferdinandthebull – When I was 5 or so my mom would tell me to lie down before she tied my tie and I just now realized at the age of 19 that she did this because she's a funeral director.
Alexandra – As you were breaking up with me, all I could think about were those mornings when you compared the Pop-Tarts and gave me the one with more frosting.
Angel – The worst thing about secret girlfriends is that when they get hit by cars you're not supposed to cry.
you know who i am – My mother called me to do a chore and i responded, "What you need, Woman," to which my father chided, "Your mother is NOT a woman!"
Heather Rose – As I woke up from my nap to find written on my feet "This is my momma and you can't have her," I realized that my child is very, very strange.
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Happy Turkey-day! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy T-Day! Feliz Accion de Gracias!
Everyone knows that today is a day to be surrounded by loved ones, but I would like to make an argument that that not be exclusive to this day, nor exclusive to the holidays. Surround yourself with loved ones at ALL times. Don't spend one day without loving and laughing. As many people have said, a day without those two things is wasted. Fill all your days with joy. And while you're at it, go ahead and count your blessings :)
Go forth, be thankful and joyous.
A couple of things I'm thankful for:
Take the time today and count your blessings. I promise it'll feel good. Yet, if it don't it means you're not trying hard enough. We are all blessed, loved, and worthy here on this earth -- otherwise we wouldn't be here in the first place!
BONUS: Xmas Video! (yes that's me)
Baby, It's Cold Outside -- SPHS '05 from Jordan Jubela on Vimeo.
Xmas Music! (no that's not me)
[[thx pic via rbeast]]