November 22, 2008

Ebert on being "fat" & "ugly" (in his own words)

jetset-j-dot-snowflakes (by degreeszero)
ebert before afterSeems now that Roger Ebert has finally undergone his surgery to cut cancer out of his left-lower-cheek, he has all the time in the world to write.  In his own words "I cannot speak, eat or drink..."  Good thing he has his newspaper job to supplement his TV show.  I do believe that the ability to speak is one of the prerequisites for television.
One of the more interesting things he's written in his abundance of free time is a kind of personal mini-memoir about his relationship with Gene Siskel (for all you younglings Siskel was the original opposite to Ebert) and answering the question "What does it feel like to resemble the Phantom of the Opera?" 
It is useful, when you are fat, to have a lot of other things to think about. If you obsess about fat, it will not make you any thinner, but it will make you miserable. If you try any diet whatsoever you have read about in a magazine or heard about from a celebrity, it will make you even more miserable. I maintained tip-top mental health during all the years of my obesity.

"Nancy," said Gene to our makeup artist and emergency crisis counselor, "please bring Mr. Ebert a bookmark so he doesn't lose his chin again."

"Roger, when I need to amuse myself," [Siskel] said, "I stroll down the sidewalk reflecting that every person I pass thought they looked just great when they walked out of their house this morning."

Siskel & Ebert & the Jugular

Roger Ebert
on November 19, 2008 4:39 PM

[[via nymag via cst]]

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